Creatures of the World Wikia
2011-06-12 IMG 4444

The impressive Chaco eagle is a crested eagle with a six-foot wing span. Formerly known as the crowned solitary eagle, the Chaco eagle ranges from eastern Brazil and Bolivia south to central Argentina. It inhabits open and semiopen habitats consisting of grassland, savannah, marsh and open woodland areas, unlike its closest relative, the montane solitary eagle, which lives only in dense mountain forest. In the southern portion of its range, the Chaco eagle is dependent on large trees, which are used for nesting and resting.


The Chaco eagle feeds primarily on small to medium-sized mammals, including armadillos and skunks, and reptiles, hunting from a low perch near dawn or dusk. In fact, the bird of prey is known for its sluggish behavior during the day, and is believed to be largely crepuscular in activity (active primarily during twilight).

Considered a relatively tame species, the Chaco eagle is usually found solitary in pairs or in groups of three individuals. It nests in trees, building a large platform-like nest of sticks lined with leaves. During incubation, the female eagle spends most of her time caring for the chick while the male provides the food to the nest. Once hatched both parents care for the chickuntil it leaves the nest.

This striking species plays a key role in a healthy-well balanced environment. Feeding at the top of many food chains, the Chaco eagle balances populations, and helps manage diseases by consuming carcasses and weak or sick animals. Yet the species is listed as endangered due to low population density and number of threats faced by the species. The most prevalent threats to its survival appear to be increasing rates of deforestation, ranching and agriculture. 


It is often noted for its sluggish movements during the day and is believed to be largely crepuscular in activity. It preys principally on mammals, including armadillos, skunks, weasels, rodents and monkeys. It also hunts reptiles (principally snakes), fish, domestic lambs and occasionally birds, including tinamou and poultry.


The total population of this species is in the area of 250-999 mature individuals, equaling to 375–1,500 individuals in total, Can be rounded up to 350–1,500 individuals. The main reasons the population is so low is because of hunting, habitat loss and more.
